Freedom Method™️ Certification Waitlist 🎉


Freedom School Co. is offering you the opportunity of a lifetime to become certified in our signature Freedom Method™️


Over the course of this 6-month interactive & comprehensive certification you will deep dive into how the subconscious mind works and become certified in over 20 tools & modalities to reprogram your beliefs from limiting to limitless.


This is the gateway to manifesting your dream career, bank account, relationship, and lifestyle; from vision board to reality (and helping clients do the same).


You will gain access to our entire arsenal of elite subconscious reprogramming tools, rooted in success coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, EFT (tapping), hypnosis and intuitive development.  You will learn everything you need to know for the practical application & implementation into your life & business.


Our approach is empowered by Rachael's Indigenous ancestry and is taught through the lens of spiritual & energetic principles so that you may lead in a good way. Learning these foundations can be applied to personal self-study, within your business to amplify your existing work, or to finally step into the world of entrepreneurship as a success coach & NLP practitioner.


Get yourself on the waitlist now! You'll be the first to get notified when registration opens for the next cohort with up to $1000 in tuition savings and bonuses!


joining The Freedom Method™️ Certification waitlist is right for you if you want to:


👑 become a legit certified coach & NLP practitioner (plus EFT, Hypnosis, Akashic Records, and more)

👑 want to become a sought-after ancestral & past life healer

👑 want to create your own custom coaching method with these subconscious modalities

👑 want to be a part of the Cycle Breakers movement and be of greater service 

👑 want to upgrade your arsenal of high-caliber tools & modalities to better support your clients 

👑 feel that you have the same limitations as your clients, and it's stunting your growth with all the time wasted doubting yourself & living in Imposter Syndrome

👑 want to understand the science & energetics behind new age concepts such as manifestation & self-concept 

👑 want to be able to *actually* heal the root of clients' "problem" rather than skimming the surface

👑 want to deepen your practice & be able to create "holy f*ck" transformations

👑 want to upgrade your emotional intelligence, capacity to hold space, standards, quality of life, financial thermostat, intuitive gifts, and more